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Friday, February 26, 2010

learning 1

1. I like chocolate.
(watashi wa) chokoreto ga suki desu.
Choko ga suki

2. I dislike homework.
(watashi wa) syukudai ga kirai desu.

2. I like to go shopping.
(watashi wa) (o)kaimono ga suki desu.

4. My best friend is _____.
Watashi no shinyuu wa ____ desu.

5. My family is mother, father, older brother and older sister.
Watahi no kazoku ha haha to chichi to ani to ane desu.

6. My animal zodiac is _____.
dose it mean Chinese zodiac animals of 12 years? If so,
watashi no eto ha ______ desu.

horoscopy zodiac: seiza

7. I wake up at 6.30
(Watashi ha) (itsumo) roku ji-han ni okimasu.

8. I shower at 6.40
Watashi wa (itsumo) roku ji yonjyuppun ni syawa wo abimasu.

9. I eat breakfast with my mother at 7.00.
(Watashi wa) (itsumo) hichi ji ni haha to asagohan wo tabemasu.

10. I catch the bus with friends at 8.00
(Watashi wa) (itsumo) hachi ji ni tomodachi to basu ni norimasu.

11. I start school at 8.30.
Gakkou ha hachi ji han ni hajimarimasu.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

link to learning

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


だい いち か

わたしは JUN です。

JUN さんは かくせいじゃ ありません。

JUN さんは かいしャいん ですか。

JUN さんも かいしゃいんです。